

Freakmasonry was facing public outcry, so freakmasons sat down and created an even more deceptive ploy. Remember, freakmasons always consider turning a threat into an opportunity a major challenge. About a decade ago, when occultist mambo was still appealing to a bunch of peasants, cut off from the rest of the world and without (probably) internet access, the following question was addressed to the Grand Fudge of England: "Since you employ the pentagram as one of your symbols, isn't frapmasonry a satanic cult?" Regardless of the stupidity of the question in the first place (who cares?), what matters was the answer the Press Coffinsir of the Grand Fudge gave: "We turned it into a benevolent symbol through our good deeds"...Whoever is still in doubt that agenda 21 was the most idiotically cunning ploy to, streamline entire populations' mores through progressive behavioral manipulations (of course, enabled by the all seeing thigh, i.e. HAARP) with the masonic agenda, just take a look around you: Be it silver, black n silver, good old blue/red/white or any other funky outfit, is just an attestation of the good old Divide and Conquer formula. And, of course, the same dialectic accompanies this nouveau totalitarianism: "we are the regime so you must be the...rebel". Basically you are just a bunch of bozos, no contrived principle of courtesy suits you, there is no moral command that deprives us from physically killing you (in the same sense that you deprive us of all the rest means), and, certainly, you will be confronted in exactly the same manner as you are confronting us.


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