
OK, are there really any idiots who believe the police is protecting them?

Just go through the narratives put together by various press departments working for the police and you'll see that every 'case' is at the end of the day a narrative embellishment of bozos' in blue heroic feats.  It's just a way to justify their payroll. Has the police ever helped resolve any targeting case that involves the state (and the state's 'legitimate' representatives) that funds them? Certainly not, so what they're left with is the 'accomplice' tag (and occasionally direct perpetrators). Do you know that the police receives commands by the NSA that operates satellite surveillance on millions about when to act? Every report you're reading (in dog news) is prefabricated. In order to maintain the balance, occasionally they present news of 'crooked cops' (well, the master narrative of 'evil infiltrates even the good ranks' has to be maintained at all costs). Don't let police stories become part of your narrative world.

Do you know who'sthe recipient of the files the police has been regularly stealing from you?

If yes, here's how to respond:

- Make their names as publicly available as you can
- You know they'll use them on some occasion or another (preferably they'll try to frame you before doing so, in order to disorient the public; they will also attempt to use them at a timing as far removed from the incident as possible in order to attenuate the relationship between the data point of the data theft and the moment of their appropriation)
- Have your satellites constantly on hold and constantly monitor the 'recipients' ' writings, commercial moves, correspondence
- If they appeal to a wider audience, try to infiltrate their audience and see what they say, how they respond
- Gotchya!!!! (sooner or later)

Metaphors for new social collectives no.636262

New age bozos, like good old well-trained dogs, learn how to absorb, replicate and contaminate others with mambo metaphors, borrowed from sports, such as soccer, tennis, blah, blah. See older posts about the non applicability of the notion of 'competition' in a mamboccultic regime where asymmetry of information diffusion is the rule (i.e. your bozo mentor holds a 'remote control' device and you are merely choosing among a restricted set of probable movements). The more restricted your choice of alternatives, the more likely the foreseen outcomes will materialize (which is why Agenda 21 is a grand lab test). Moronic new age metaphors are particularly appealing to funny bipods, children and of course time-wasters. Thanks to HAARP, even artificially created weather phenomena, such as rain, snow, blah, blah attain to inscribe nature into the new cultural ethos and just like good old primitive clan members, new age automata pray to NSA that it doesn't rain. Songs, soaps, movies help consolidate this reality principle through well-known mechanisms.
Of course, there are always idiots (i.e. depressed baboons in blue-boxes), who abstain patiently from soccer games, in anticipation of slow death. They are legally abinding citizens in a grand circus where even new-borns know that law is one of the most malleable 'human sciences', a practice of sheer sophistry . Especially in countries where freemasonry has played an integral role in shaping societal more(on)s, such as England, it is no surprise that new witch-hunting methods are favored and legally sanctioned (i.e. neighbours conspiring against neighbours). This is even promoted by political (cheer)leaders, who make repeatedly overt pleas towards lay cattle for spying on each other for the interest of 'national security' (i.e. their trustees' economic interests). The police, like good middlemen (also called pimps) are just executing orders. It only takes signed declarations from the nouveau Malleus Malleficarum consortium. With so many interesting cases, it will take content analysts a decade to put together how this nouveau ethos emerged, how it was diffused and how it consolidated into a new mode of societal organization.



New data theft method by military and police scum in crooked states such as grease

Repetition makes...perfect:

HAARP induced sleep, open window, police and military trash lifting your bag with sufficiently long stick through open window iron bars, removing data from your bag, copying them while asleep, placing them anew into your bag; but, as always, they are stupid enough as to place the removed items in different positions (or intentionally doing so as part of the 'script' or cybernetic ploy, i.e. reminding you of your being targeted- which works in exactly the same manner both ways; with so much info against state-sanctioned crimes- especially in crooked states such as grease- hard to make...mistakes)



Freakmasonry was facing public outcry, so freakmasons sat down and created an even more deceptive ploy. Remember, freakmasons always consider turning a threat into an opportunity a major challenge. About a decade ago, when occultist mambo was still appealing to a bunch of peasants, cut off from the rest of the world and without (probably) internet access, the following question was addressed to the Grand Fudge of England: "Since you employ the pentagram as one of your symbols, isn't frapmasonry a satanic cult?" Regardless of the stupidity of the question in the first place (who cares?), what matters was the answer the Press Coffinsir of the Grand Fudge gave: "We turned it into a benevolent symbol through our good deeds"...Whoever is still in doubt that agenda 21 was the most idiotically cunning ploy to, streamline entire populations' mores through progressive behavioral manipulations (of course, enabled by the all seeing thigh, i.e. HAARP) with the masonic agenda, just take a look around you: Be it silver, black n silver, good old blue/red/white or any other funky outfit, is just an attestation of the good old Divide and Conquer formula. And, of course, the same dialectic accompanies this nouveau totalitarianism: "we are the regime so you must be the...rebel". Basically you are just a bunch of bozos, no contrived principle of courtesy suits you, there is no moral command that deprives us from physically killing you (in the same sense that you deprive us of all the rest means), and, certainly, you will be confronted in exactly the same manner as you are confronting us.



Do you really expect to be taken seriously? Just a bunch of criminals dressed in black.

                                             THE ORIGINALS COMMUNITY


Check out the new cancerresearchsociety.org.uk ad

Final wish: A black forest gateau orgy!

Towards a zoosemiotics of non-recognizability: Crushing the ontotheological face-centric community mirror

forthcoming in Semerotica by Maximo Scalzzone

On remote causes and 'cancer' as a deadly condition for co-belonging with a nihilistic community

As simple as this: An eye for an eye (or two)

Heidegger spoke about freedom in the face of death and about other onto-theological underpinnings of ec-sistence. Just ask your nearest communitarian victim, working in a bakery shop, with chemo-induced baldness, always smiling in 'overflowing' love towards her perps. Death will set you free from your singularity. Totally agree- This is why we call it mass killings.

Ever wondered what is the function of "taxation" in a rhetorically constituted ontological community?

Look no further- See Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's (The New Rhetoric)  analysis of the rhetorical concept of 'phoros' (and then to how 'charges' are calculated based on Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death). In exactly the same fashion that the 'black'n'silver' New Left constructed a pragmatico-utopian nouveau ethos.

Five ways in which organized perpetration mechanisms function in the workplace

1.       Information is diffused on a  need-to-know basis or invitation  to become shareholder in a clique’s party
2.       Behavioral mambo functions as gatekeeper for setting boundaries about what is acceptable and what is not (by a micro-community that defines boundaries in such a way as to maintain control over the distribution of money and power)
a.       Aka freemsaonry’s strict formalism (just a facilitating mechanism; by analogy, behavioral modification mechanisms employed in agenda 21 micro-social engineering)
3.       Others (who spend more time in orgy-parties- well, someone has to fill in performance evaluations) are usually credited for targets’ work  
4.       Employee behavior is shaped through community value-judgments (i.e. implicit agreement among perps about how to slice the pie)
a.       Evaluations are imbued to targets through steering mechanisms, such as pre-planned questions-answers ‘in order to reach the heart of the matter’ (preferably shrouded in the most general terms possible and/or by selectively framing examples  with an intent to validate assumptions)
5.       Adhocism is the key word for all evaluation judgments (rules always apply selectively)