Gaslighters (ie unsolicited animals intervening on your horizon in public spaces) follow both mild and aggressive tactics. Let's see what schooling amounts to in the zoo-sociocybernetic planet (at least concerning mild tactics):
(i) Gaslighters, just like infants, play around tacit rules, i.e. by taking advantage of being situated in a public space, where 'ownership' of time and location is shared and where one has to bargain for one's right to own a specific space (i.e. queuing or sitting next to one another in public transportation means) and a specific time (well, we live in democratic regimes, after all), they seek to intrude innocuously your space, while seeking recourse to widely shared 'rules of politeness' (if any)- just like rules inscribed in conversation turn-taking (don't worry, it's all programmed and well thought out in advance).
(ii) Their behavioral comportment is situated in a grey area, between overt intrusion and accidental intrusion. They always seek to take advantage of 'grey areas'.
(iii) Given that your every move is watched live on HAARP PUBLIC REALITY TV, gaslighters know exactly where you are sitting, what you are doing, what you are eating, whom you're shagging, at every instance.
(iv) They seek to legitimate their actions by appealing to random (as if) micro communities, gathered around everyday scripts-enactment.
(v) Driven by a situational Kantian categorical imperative posture, they seek to situationally gain legitimacy of their intrusion and create a social representation of you, based on your response pattern. Given that such tactics take place in a grey area, they ensnare you in double binds, where, on the one hand, if you don't respond, you just put up with the harassment, whereas, on the other hand, if you over-react, you fall into the manipulated trap. Bsically, they're looking for determining to what extent your 'behavior' aligns with a communitarian ethos of violent pacification or slavish docility to a well-stratified state-ofaffairs.
(VI) Know your way round such idiotic tactics employed by animals and respond accordingly. REMEMBER: YOU ARE NOT REACTING TO A STIMULUS, YOU'RE FACING UP TO A TARGETING PREDICAMENT. Your response does not take 'matters" to a 2nd cybernetic level (and to n-th level, in that matter), it is not part of a loop, it is LOOP-BREAKER OR FORCING THE CODE TO CONSUME ITSELF. And, of course, the recipients of counter-targeting activities will not be minor plebe-ians.
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