
How freakmasons make advancements: Treachery unbound

The art of deception is what is taught first and foremost in Masonic lodges. In order to advance you have to lay claim to the truth of your utterances in a convincing manner. Everyone knows you’re full of shit, but you have to invert your untruth, which is why they are portrayed as being fascinated with the “occult” (which is, basically, a vitrine) and the “night”, “darkness”, blah, blah. So, for example, if a low-level bozo steals your work and convinces his mentor that it is his property (which is likely to be credible as bozos are bound by oaths of silence and truthfulness- within the merry-go-round) and that he merits advancement because of it, then, upon a “council meeting” he will get it. Now, this the crux: by the time the bozo’s lies are discovered he will already have advanced to such a level  (probably) that any “remote treacherous causes” will be barely noticeable.   Most likely they’ll take a day off work, riding on a bike or minor “tribulations” . However, given that bozos are idiotically cunning, in order to waive preferential treatment and blatantly overt theft (unless you’re blind), they’ll  recruit more than one cattle to the gangbang, most likely from various geographically areas.  Timing is also crucial, as well as other aspects that determine a …”perfect”  crime. But given that treachery is a necessary condition for advancing you can easily discern where they’re coming from. Eazy!

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