
Idio[syn]cratic metric systems- Planet 7 against freakmasonry

Let the battle commence- desperate housewives in charge of Planet 7′s metric system (15 and counting) against funky freakmasonic Utopian Ladder (21-55, 56 and for those among them who can count 57,58, yes, followed by 59 and guess what a Grand Inspector aged 8 also told me that 60 follows suit!). There are even human lizards, all-green funny creatures posing as being at one with a mythopoetic hero called Lucifer at the age of 100 (yes, they walk among us). What a marvellous way of legitimating what is illegal, sanctioned by a hyperreal metric system for those in quest for an identity (I’ll never forget a 28-year old baboon licking on a 34-year old chimpanzee’s luscious behind on his way to intra-company promotion and a 54-old urangutan phantasizing about seer-like omniscience of a man-made system of interlocking relations, who willingly drunk to his death, having gazed at such breath-taking magnanimity- yes, he was part of that “other” camaraderie, 6 not 9, the idiots who chased the Da-Fabulous Code instead of revelling on fat bonuses). The attached should also be expanded to account for conversions, especially relevant for the butt end of the black ops borough

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