Aristotle’s mutually presupposing preconditions (hexeis tou alhtheuein)
as laid out in his Metaphysics are still operative, albeit, thanks to
successive paradigmatic shifts, in a culturally pragmatic form. In its
application, problems do not arise (at most) with the diagnosis of the
properties that thanks to any inherentist paradigm are ascribed to a phenomenon
(well, facilitated a bit by arguing from “in virtue of”), but with the
prescriptive validity of the hermeneutical (not explanatory, don’t be a
hardcore positivist) conditions. Thanks to social cybernetics the latter is no
longer a problem, as the repetitive manufacturing of observations attains to
confer axiomatic status on working hypotheses (and methodological conditions
and methods of “doing business” in between). All it takes is agreement on two
levels, among the producers of the conditionals and among the observers (in
fact, Feyerabend’s testimonials on the decision making process that is taking
place during “symposia” could not be further from accuracy- that is
metasocially realistic) . Who said that deterministic social realism in
unattainable? It is attainable in so far as there is agreement on
particulars (as instantiations or correlates- hexeis- of universals and
not as deterministically or probabilistically, if one wished to ramify
determinism- explained by them; for once more equilibrium must be maintained at
all costs), even though when agreement is not the outcome of a conscious
process, but the result of group dynamics with participants in various levels
of ex positio decision making, all bound up by the Abilene paradox and
silence. Concordially yours
[reproducing a postcard from the AI Modelling agency, a subsidiary of the
Intergalactic probability agency].
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