The NWO female order: From scopophilia, to
By Jane Hostin
“Dear HAAR punks,
I am writing anonymously, as my ‘sisters’
would literally devour me in a Dionysian lesbian orgy if I disclosed the
following under my real name:
You are right about everything
you write. Agenda 21 has been enforced covertly by spreading virally mainly through
women (and effeminized males). It is really worth pondering how such primitive
mores have managed to become the norm at such an advanced stage in our civilization.
It is almost as if those Masonic idiots’ self fulfilled prophecies, who have
seen the light of day and think that we are destined to lapse into nihili locus
as aurora bites its own tail and civilization returns full circle to the planet
of the apes and no more Sex in the City episodes show up on HAARP TV, suddenly fulfill
them. But anyway, here’s what I was forced to do and what I think is the
underlying reason behind my doing it. Ever since I was a little girl, I was sneaking
secretly into strangers’ bathrooms and sniffed at underwear. I soon discovered that
this (what others might call perversion, which is really my hobby) secret hobby
of mine (along with my S&M parties that I organize secretly, without anyone
else knowing from the company I’m [be]heading- I always knew that these long
chit-chat hours would pay off at the end of the day…) was actually a mandate
among the agenda 21 network members, of which I was second in command. I said I
was forced, but I have to admit- ‘I’m lovin it’. I was
always first to go and last to exit the bathroom (well, I had to go over the
whole lot, you see). A wise sister said we are all matter and matter is female,
we are the origin and stuff like that, real deep, but suddenly this piece of
wisdom started twisting into various directions in my mind. I identified matter
with pooh, so I intentionally started to look for pooh in every corner
(clothes, surfaces, sinks, you name it). I was once told that we are all
scopophilic, so I stopped feeling guilty about the telescope I bought, just to
watch neighbors doing it (is this too much? I mean S&M parties, scopophilia
and then…) , but this…I am now convinced that I am moving from scopophiliac to
coprophiliac and guess what- I’m starting to like the idea of doing it with the
dead. I know there’s a whole movement going on, and high-ranking apes are
into this stuff, so I guess moving on to necrophilia (from scopophilia and
coprophilia) won’t be such a massive leap.
Yours (in any possible sense)
Jane Hostin